welcome to Godman Soteria Academy of Theology


General Information on Accreditation

  • Godman Soteria Academy of Theology admissions and graduation of students are based on spirituality not on academics.
    • Emphasis is laid on the development of the spiritual life and spiritual gifts of the theologian which are the primary purposes and calling of his studies.

      The vision does not change from how to please God to how to please any secular University or government institutions because the mindset of the theologian should be focused on the Holy Spirit as the great teacher and not shift to man-made techniques.

      Our student’s evaluation is more based on ministry and practice but not on the ability to critique and document. We are of the opinions that theological education should not develop student’s mind to become an intellectual archive rather the temple of the Holy Spirit.

      Godman Soteria Academy of Theology strives to encourage high academic standards by developing an internationally accepted curriculum.

      Godman Soteria Academy of Theology is positioned to work with the Accrediting Council for Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA), Pan-African Accrediting Association of Fundamental Institutions of Christian Colleges, Theological and Seminary (PANFICATS), Association of Christian Theologians (ACTS), ICETE - International Community of evangelical Theological Education worldwide and TRACS - The Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) and other Christian Universities and Seminaries within Africa and overseas. Secular Universities have agenda quite different from that of the theological college.

      Government accredited courses do not necessarily generate high standard nor promote spiritual and ministerial growth and Philosophy of secular humanism does not agree and may never agree with important doctrines of the Church.

      While Theological Education, for instance, emphasizes creationism to explain the origin of all things, secular educations sponsored by most governments promote atheistic evolution.

      Instead of using time to explore and believe the truths of the bible, time is wasted in hot debates on some biblical issues, proving and disproving, analyzing and paralyzing what the ordinary Christian would accept as the true word of God by simple faith.

      Even where the passages are clear for every person to understand, yet they are brought up for academic exercise. By so doing the bible is no more seen or treated as the verbal, plenary, inerrant, infallible and inspired word of God, but as the ordinary work and word of man, and as such is treated and taken like other ordinary books in world literature. And by this loopholes are created for liberal theologians who damage the authenticity of the word of God, and by this people’s faith is damage irreparably.

      Accreditation is the act of granting approval to an institution of learning by a group of its peers after the school has met certain requirements and standards.

      Accreditation is a group process by which schools voluntarily agree to participate in a set of established standards in order to encourage quality education.

      Godman Soteria Academy of Theology has chosen not to pursue secular universities and government institution recognitions. We understand that there is a difference between religious and secular education.

      Religious educational institutions are not required to obtain secular accreditation because they do not offer secular degrees and do not prepare their students for secular work.

      At Godman Soteria Academy of Theology, our curriculum objectives are guided jealously under the auspices of the Holy spirit. Hence, students are not exposed to : -

      • Secular environment and training situation where it becomes imperative that academic theological studies are conducted according to the rules of science as follows:
      • Biblical studies according to the rules of historical and linguistic studies;
      • Church history according to the rules of historical investigation;
      • Systematic theology according to the rules of philosophical studies; and
      • Practical theology according to the rules of social sciences.

      We recognize that there is a distinct separation between Church and State and fully support the freedom of Church leaders and religious educational institutions to offer programs that may lead to a Certificate, Diploma or Degree. It must be pointed out, however, that individual nations around the world have different laws governing education programs especially if those programs lead to a Certificate or Degree. Each applicant is responsible for all legal compliance in this regard.

      However, Government-recognized accreditation is not necessary for religious vocations. People working in ministry positions do not need a government-accredited degree.

      The purpose of Accreditation is to :

      • Certify that an institution has met the established standards of excellence.
      • Allow institutions to evaluate the acceptability of transfer credits into their own curricula programs.

      Accredited status means a school has voluntarily undergone a comprehensive examination to determine that it operates at a worthy level of performance

      The purpose of accreditation is to:

      • Certify that an institution has met the established standards of excellence
      • Assist prospective students in identifying reputable institutions, which offer degree programs that will meet their needs and goals
      • Allow institutions to evaluate the acceptability of transfer credits into their own curricula programs

      • Around the world, accreditation of universities and seminaries is a voluntary process with accreditation granted by private, non-governmental agencies. Governmental agencies do not provide theological or ministry accreditation.

        Government-recognized accreditation is not necessary for the religious vocations in which we are equipping our students and people working in ministry positions do not need a government-accredited degree.

        We do not prepare our students for secular work or denominational service. We always seek to provide a sound theological standing from which our students may fulfill their divine purposes and callings.


        Godman Soteria Academy of Theology courses meet the requirements established by many private, independent, and professional associations.

        Various regionally or nationally accredited Christian Theological Universities, colleges and seminaries around the world may accept transfer students, credits and degrees from Godman Soteria Academy of Theology.

        Transferability of credits earned at Godman Soteria Academy of Theology and transferred to another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution.

        Godman Soteria Academy of Theology Team